The day we first met

Will we remember these years, these months, these hours that we spend together each day, every day, building stories and creating worlds ?

The first laughs, the first stares, the first jokes, the first fights, the first tears.

I have a feeling we are building ourselves in this school, building the people we are going to become, that’s why the relationship we have with each other is that important.

Its like taking our first steps together, fight together for the same goals.

We are not only having our first professional moments together, I think we are also building memories for life. These first times on stage, in rehearsal, in front of an audience are unique moments and make the people we share them with unique as well. This explains why we are so strong together.

Yes, we will sing and dance, and act with other people in the future, and we will enjoy it, but a first time only happens once, right ? It will never be the same.

This is why we need to cherish these moments in Joop van den Ende Academy that brings young people from all around the world and give them the possibility to develop and create together.

One teacher told us: You might go away, after the school, and lose contact for years, you will have lives apart, but one day, you will randomly bump into each other on the street, and you will remember this life experience that you shared, and how you marked each other in a way no one else ever could or will.

Let these first moments be great beginnings, so that in twenty years, when we randomly bump into each other, we will just know, and smile.

With all my affection to my Joopies,


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