„Get ready for the Winter“ with Ralf Schädler

8.30 Vivana gave us her normal warm up but this morning with a small change that made you sweat even more. Today I was standing in the first row (do not ask me why) and I could clarly see the tired rings under my eyes. That remembered me why I usually but myself in the middle of the crowd.

9.30 This week, my group has Tomislav in ballet. I really like his teaching. It makes you think in another way. Bigger and you take out you movements more and dance bigger. He is also more consequent in giving more or less the same kind of exercises which makes it easier to start getting a flow and to understand the reason of every movement. Also, I think, that kind of teaching is giving you a better technique instead of doing new things every time.

11.30 Tap dance. This week Wolf is back from his vacation. It was really nice, and also a pleasure to see that his exercises still were there, in my head 🙂 We are working in couples with a small piece of a combination which I am performing with Christina and for that we are going to get time in Friday to work on.

13.00 Acting. Since I was at home from school yesterday I had the opportunity to get one hour of acting today instead because someone was sick. Zapo and me worked on a monologue that I am going to use for the audition of Ich war noch niemals in New York next week. Then, we continued working on my Rilow from Spring Awakening.

14.15 I met the pianist Michael for 30 minutes to go through some new material. We found a favourite from Abba that I want to sing 🙂

14.45 Finally time to eat lunch. Had to go away from school to find something because they had already closed the lunch restaurant in school.

15.45 Singing lesson with Stephan. Always nice and relaxed to work with Stephan and it makes a lot of fun too since we always have some new gossip to talk about too.

18.30 The casting director of Stage Entertainment, Ralf Schädler, gave the students one and a half hour „get ready for the winter training) with a warm up filled with stomach exercises and a flipped out combination. I was sooo sweaty afterwards but you feel really good. Like you have been to the gym or at a really intensive aerobic-training. 

von Tarzan: „Wer hat die Liane eingeölt?“

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