Workshop in singing

The body was screaming „Noooo“ when I woke up this morning. Yesterday I worked a couple of hours in Neue Flora with the show Tarzan. I was suppose to sell merchandise-articles and programmes during the time before show-start but since we did not have anything from that before the Gala-premiere on Sunday I had to help out in the bar which was also okay. At the end of my shift I was handing out jackets to the guests. I arrived home around midnight and went straight to bed. So, as I said, waking up 7 next morning was not the most pleasant thing to do. Anyway. I crawled away to school with a coffee in my hand and took part in the sing-workshop that we had in school today. From 9 until 1pm Liz, Stephan and Eva-Maria gave the students from the first year coaching in singing and most of us guys from the third year were just watching and listening since we have heard that the next workshop will include teachers like Enrico, Christian and maybe Perrin (?) which is probably is going to be a one time-experience so we are all waiting with excitement for that. But wow, I have to give all the people in the first year a lot of credit since they are all so brave! None of them seem to hesitate standing up and sing infront of the other students. Good there! They all have a complete different spirit in themselves which is going to help them all during the three years in school. And I am asking myself how the group dynamic can be so different between two classes at the same school. Something to do research in? I left school approx. around 1.15pm to run home and to do wash at least one maschine of clothes before I had to leave again. I also took a powernap and called my parents.

At 5pm my class were going to meet our dear classmate Erika Krcal who has decide to stop studying at our school. From Tuesday on she is going to live in Austria again. The message came sudden but not really suprisingly for us. We all knew that this is a decision she has been thinking about since a while but it is going to be a big empty space when she is gone and I am going to miss my Erika a lot! 🙁 But I am glade that she made a decision finally and I am supporting her completely. I officially wish her all the best and good luck in the future no matter what she decides to do.

We, me and my class, had a great dinner together and at 7pm we arrived at the Neue Flora to watch the presspremiere from Tarzan! After a couple of drinks before the show the expectations were HIGH when we sat down in the hall. Three hours later we came out from the theater filled with pleasure and great feelings. Tarzan is a really great show with a lot of technical moments that I have never seen before. And personally I have to give my swedish colleague Anton Zetterholm playing Tarzan himself a lot credits for really succeeding with his work with the character! Bra jobbat! So now I have a new aim when I am going to the gym… 😉 Think that Chris is going to write more about the show tomorrow Sunday.

After the show we went to Alex by the Alster to have a drink and to finish a great evening. Arrived home around 2am, went to bed and dreamed about monkeys, jungles and me hanging in a tree screaming „AAA-AAAH-AAAAHHARRRRGGH!!“

Wenn du in der Fremde bist,
weißt du erst, wie schön die Heimat ist.

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