Rehearsal – Wicked!

My body screamed from pain this morning waking up. I was visiting the gym yesterday and fulfilled my programme that I have got from the trainers working there. This was going to be a hard day…

8.30 But ballet this morning went well. Since now I am doing all exercises by the bar with thick socks over my ballet shoes my body (and especially my feet) is getting even more warm… and faster!

9.30 Unfourtunately the jazz lesson with Barbara did not go that well since all the turns and kicks were impossible to stand with the condition of my body. I fought to not let it affect me, but I was chanceless. A big sigh to that…

11.00 Mental coaching by Ilona Williams is a subject which I am not really allowed to write about detailed. I can only say that through different kind of exercises and experiments we are getting prepared mentally for performances and auditions. Always searching the source why you get so stressed in those kind of situations and what you can do to work against those negative feelings. It is all personal and everything does not work on every single person. But hopefully all of us can get some out of it.

12.45 Music theory where I had almost everything right from last weeks homework. Yuippeeee!! 😉 It is always nice with Kelle and you do learn a lot although we are kind of slow. But he accepts that and we are all improving.

14.15 One hour break where I had to clear some stuff with Constanze, making some calls and prepare myself for the next lesson.

15.15 Which today was interpretation by Regina Stötzel. Wow, is she great or what?! We worked for 45 minutes on my version of „Gehtsemane“ from Jesus Christ Superstar. I am slowly getting there and the song (which is for singers hardcore stuff) is really getting in to my mind and body. Today I also came ten steps closer to it thanks to Regina. Hope she will come back somtime!

16.00 Sight singing with Kelle for half an hour (since I also got Hannahs fifteen minutes) where worked with more than five different kind of exercises and thank god I am getting faster with singing „na–nanana—naaa“.

17.00 During the thirty minutes break I finally got something to eat. A nice baked bread with salami. That was my lunch for today. And then we started to rehearse with Harald for our upcoming performance in Lübeck on Tuesday next week. We are going to do the ensemble and together with Jana Stelley and Sabrina Weckerlin (both playing the witches second cast in Wicked, Stuttgart) we are performing „Nur ein Tag“ and „Frei und Schwerelos“. It was a really good rehearsal and I threw my last force into it. It was also nice to have at least Jana there cause that gives you another feeling on stage.

So for the first time since I do not know when I arrived a little bit earlier home which gave me time to do some things that I had to do, eating without stressing and also now… Go to bed early!!


Keine Magie ist tiefer als die Kraft, die wir Liebe nennen.
Verfasser unbekannt*

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