Stage Entertainment Open Audition

Over five weeks have past. I came back last Sunday from a relaxed time in both Sweden and Belgium.

The first week of the Holiday I spent in my parents’ summerhouse, in the area of Dalarna in Sweden, with a couple of friends. Talk about balsam for your soul. Water and forest as far as you can see. We travelled around the area with the car and experienced some things you don´t do in your daily life. Came home to Norrköping and spend one week there with friends and family. So at the end of the second week of my holiday I flew from Stockholm to Brussels to experience a new country, Belgium.

Not THAT different from Sweden although it was a new experience. In five days I got the chance to go to a diamond-museum, also to see diamond polishing live which was very cool and interesting. We also went to a chocolate-museum where they had a lot of amazing creations done only by chocolate! Also there we got a demonstration in how to make chocolate. And, as an extra bonus visiting the chocolate-museum, we also got entrance-tickets to the lamp-museum in the same house.

After that I went back to Sweden for a couple of weeks and spend my time with family and friends.        

So now I am back. Ready to start my last year at the Academy. Today I went to Stage Entertainments´ Open Audition for singers and actors. We started at 10 am with the moving-audition. It was funny to start training again. It was around 50-60 people there I think and after 90 minutes we got a short break before the jury told us how the day would continue. I was one from five people being picked out and asked to come back tomorrow to the Open Audition for the dancers?! I got very confused but I was told that they wanted to see how far they can push us as singers if we would be a member in the Wicked-ensemble for example. There you can be a part of the singer-ensemble BUT they are moving a lot more complicated compared to what we had to do today. So… Suddenly I was finished for today. Therefore I went practicing my songs for tomorrow. At ten I am going to be there to do the dance-audition and in the afternoon I am going to sing and act. I am very much looking forward to tomorrow although I am a little bit scared.

Going to take a quick nap now before heading to the cinema. Mamma Mia!



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