Synchronizing in Studio Hamburg

There is a technical problem with uploading pictures in my blog but please come back in a couple of days to check all cool pictures out!!

Wow, today was a special day in school. First of all, we were not at all in school. We were, at 9 am (SHARP!), supposed to be in Studio Hamburg to learn everything about synchronizing, which here in Germany are a big market compared to Sweden where we don´t do this, except of childrenmovies and cartoons. A great team of people welcomed us and made us feel comfortable. And God, was it exciting or what?!

First we had a small tour through some of the rooms they had there and learned some basic facts, for example: where are the script placed when you work, the monitor, the microphone and the button with the famous function „O-ton“, which means, pressing the button you´ll hear the original recording before you are going to do the take, but then of course in your language.

 Robin Brosch (our creative director/president of our school) were there with us and did, early in the morning, a few takes before the turn came to us. Suddenly after that the guys of my class were standing behind the desk with the microphone and the script and infront of the monitor showing 1—-2—-3 AND then you´re supposed to say whatever you´re supposed to say. But before you always press the „O-ton-button“ to make sure how you are gonna say the text, in which kind of mood the character is in and with kind of vocie and so on and so on. I was really impressed by the guys in my class because neither of them had done it before and everyone learned quickly and acted just like professionals after like just 30 minutes until the end of the day about 16 pm. All of us did ensemble-scenes, where you often maybe just make strange noises to be used in the background but also SINGING-scenes, but also all of us got the chance to do small parts here and there with real lines. We did the voices to two different kind of cartoons from USA. And the people from Studio Hamburg seemed really satisfied with us. As I said before we got great guiding from the staff working there and they told us that a lot of actors works with synchronizing and often in combination with other jobs. That means, if you are working in a theatre, on stage, in the evenings with a running show, many people use the daytime going to the studio and making all these voices. And although it´s probably easy for the actor with routine it´s still a lot of hard work behind! Many hours just making strange noises or making the voice to a robot who´s      a-l-w-a-y-s     t-a-l-k-s         w-i-t-h        a v-e-r-y            c-o-m-p-l-e-x     voice. The lines between the letters was a try to symbolize a robot voice. 🙂 Anyway. Good actors are doing good parts and good people are making good money and it is a really funny job that I can recommend people to try out if they have the possibility!!

After a long day I went food shopping, clothes wasching, appartment cleaning ´cause tomorrow I really have to study. And then, in the evening, we are all going to watch the absolutely last show of Dirrrty Dancing…

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