It is when tragedy strikes, that we realize what matters.

Being happy, being loved and love, making a difference.

I feel blessed to do what touches my soul, to fight for it, to know that my art can make a difference. I feel blessed to have those people beside me, those amazing people that are creating and fighting as hard as I do. Together we create moments out of this crazy world, to touch and make people react. Open their eyes, but also make their mind travel. If I would die tomorrow, I wouldn’t change a thing, this is the question that you should ask yourself: Would you ?

Today, 02:47, we’re down to 120 dead bodies in Paris, still counting. In choc I think about all the people I have there. People die all around the world every day, we get lost into comfort, and forget it. Do what makes you happy, be strong and brave, I like to believe that’s what we do in this school, we work hard for what we believe in, this is all that should matter. We’re maybe not going to save children in Africa, or protecting people at war, or rescuing political refugees, but in some way we are. Art has the power to change the way people think, art is the greatest weapon.

Make your difference for a world at peace.

Your Robin


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